Sunday, September 17, 2017

The Truth About Public Education
There are many untrue words spoken about public education in order to advance the privatization of our public schools and political agendas promoting so called 'public' charter schools and vouchers. Diane Ravitch is a relentless supporter of public schools and shares many REAL facts about education today. Here is a link which provides more truth about public education and begins the never ending need to expose the true money grabbing, segregation motives behind the charter school and voucher hacks. It is only the first of a series of eight videos, each one addressing reasons we should strongly support our public schools. As Diane Ravitch releases each one, I will post a link to them so the audience that hears the truth grows wider and wider. Once you listen to this first video, there are three other Related links to videos/interviews at the bottom of the page that are equally revealing about the history of the education privatization movement.

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