Sunday, July 9, 2017

     By now we have all seen the photographs of the world leaders at the recent G20 summit meeting. One was very revealing. It showed all the leaders lined up. Our President Trump was on one end, with an awkward distance between him and all the others. His facial expression and body language was totally different from all the other leaders. It appeared that there was just no emotional connection that he was 'left out' of this important group of men and women. It seemed like he was out of his element. The 'art of the deal' mentality was not going to be an effective tool for him during this meeting. His superficial charm hasn't seemed to win over any of these leaders. Has he, or will he, just shrug off the real reason he was disconnected - he has said and done things that have made interacting with these leaders difficult. He really is personally responsible for the things he has said and done that have been upsetting to world leaders, but it doesn't seem like he is disappointed. He will just continue on his path. He will not admit any guilt, never has. In fact, it is likely he will concoct some fake news story (lying seems to come easy to him) that will lay the blame on someone else and probably display a bit of an angry tantrum while tweeting out the lie. But he will continue on his narcissistic way as if he is the center of the world that will again reveal his true nature.  The US had made a commitment with the Paris Climate Agreement, but Trump seems unmoved by commitments.
     Here's to hoping the good citizens of America can salvage our world reputation.

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