Friday, June 2, 2017

Why Outsource Brunswick's PreK Program?
A June 2, 2017 Times Record article reported that enough money has been raised locally in Brunswick to run a summer Cub Camp.  This is a Pre-K program for preschool aged students who are identified as 'needing extra attention' in social and/or academic areas to get them ready for entering kindergarten. In previous years, Brunswick used federal money to operate this program run by the Brunswick School Department and staffed by Brunswick School department staff. This year reductions in federal money jeopardized the continuance of the program, which required $21,000 to operate during the summer. (A summer program was the precursor to a full fledged Pre-K program which has been waiting for implementation because there is no space in our schools during the school year to operate it until a new school is built.) A community group offered to fundraise to supplement the $10,000 the School Board allocated for the program in the Brunswick School Department budget. Space and budget limitations have now been addressed: the $21,000 has been identified and space in the school buildings is available during the summer.
BUT WAIT!  The Times article also indicates that the program will no longer be a Brunswick School program, but rather operated by another entity. We need to know more details. Why won't this Pre-K program be continued to be offered by trained staff through the Brunswick School Department? Previously, there was some interest by a School Board member to have a community program deliver the program. This School Board member is also a board member of said community program in question. Sounds like a conflict of interest to me. Why transfer public dollars to a community program?
Before we vote on the budget, let's be sure that our tax dollars are used appropriately. Ask the Superintendent why Cub Camp is no longer a Brunswick School Department program. I will be asking that very same question of him. I will not vote for a budget that outsources critical student support services to community agencies unqualified and unable to provide a complete, coherent set of student support services and highly trained personnel to children who require them to prepare them for kindergarten entry. I will not vote for a budget that uses public tax dollars in a way that doesn't allow for program oversight and evaluation. And I especially will not vote for a budget that is built on a conflict of interest of individual Board members.

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