Wednesday, March 22, 2017

ALL Students, Not Just Some    

     In a recent March 15 post, I discussed a comment made during a Brunswick's School Board meeting public comment period. The commenter vaguely claimed that a program that was responsible for producing the success of Brunswick Junior High math team had been eliminated. I found that claim unsettling. I know that there have been budget years where financial/program choices must be made, but I did not recall that math teams nor other programs offering enrichment  had been eliminated. Upon further fact finding, it appears that there have been no talent program, nor extracurricular math activity elimination. Rather, the gifted/talented program in Brunswick's schools has been expanded.  A more inclusive talent program in broader areas of talent is now available to all K-12 students. Student eligibility is assessed each year in attempt to identify ALL students whose needs change over time. Giftedness/talent can appear in more areas than academic areas. Brunswick schools are home to some highly talented students in the Arts and Music areas as well as the academic areas. Thus, an expanded Learning and Enrichment in the Arts and Academics program has been developed and is now available to eligible students. I can envision a Brunswick School Department Visual Arts and Performing Academy, can you?  We can dream. But back to the topic of this post.

    Currently, student's verbal, mathematical, and non-verbal talents are assessed using multiple measures, including teacher observation and recommendation. All eligible students are offered Talent Development programming during the school day. At the Brunswick Junior High School, there continues to be a 6th grade Math Team, a 7th grade Math Team, an 8th grade Math Team, and an 8th grade Math Counts Team. These teams meet before/after school. All of the math teams "learn and practice new math concepts in preparation for local and state competitions".  In the Math Counts team, "all students interested in challenging written and oral competitions can participate.  The top four scorers at the State Final Meet win a trip to the National Competition".

I am glad Brunswick offers this expanded gifted/talented enrichment program. It creates the opportunity for ALL students to expand their horizons. That is what public school is all about. ALL students, not just some.

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