Sunday, February 5, 2017

     I Know That 'Alternative Facts' is Just Another Name for a Lie

     History is repeating itself. Do we want the same unregulated business environment that caused the Great Depression and the most recent Great Recession, both of which left many people losing jobs, homes, economic security?  Are we OK with a business environment that dramatically redistributes the wealth in this country to a very few? The dismantling of the middle class and the emergence of large groups of people who are losing economic security even while working a full time job?

     First up....repeal The Affordable Care Act. One of the primary reasons many people are forced into bankruptcy today is unpredictable medical emergencies and the resulting cost of their healthcare to address their medical issue. Next....nomination of Betsy DeVos to lead the dismantling of public education. Education provides access to learning skills and attitudes that will provide opportunity for all to succeed in life. Further......nominations of Cabinet members who are mostly white male billionaires. Whose interests will these individuals look out for when many of them have publicly stated opposition to the posts they will lead? At least one nominee has withdrawn his nomination stating that it was difficult for him to separate himself from his business interests. A little glimmer of ethical action compared to the questionable ethics of the President himself who has not separated himself from his tangled web of national and international business interests. I don't understand how he can claim to be working on behalf of ALL Americans as he still benefits personally from so many 'business deals', oops...'government actions'.  His recent private fundraiser at his Mar a Lago 'home' in Florida reveals to me that he will provide access to himself (and others in the top 1%) if you have enough money to 'donate' to his 'cause(s)'.  Favors anyone? Step right up, no need to worry about the public finding out, the press was barred from attending.

     Consumer protections? Access to information upon which we can make informed decisions? The Federal Communications Commission is now led by a man who very quickly began the process of doing away with net neutrality. Net neutrality was designed to provide equal access to the internet, which has very quickly become one of the main ways people get their information and communicate. With most of the nation's newspapers controlled by a very few wealthy individuals who have been controlling and reshaping the public dissemination of news, it becomes more and more difficult to find the facts in our world today. It will require persistent dedication to find reliable information upon which to make important decisions. Education and persistence to prevent the use of 'alternative information' from pervasively being used to try to reshape reality. A lawyer uses distortions, omissions, and other techniques in their arguments. 'Alternative information' is pretty much lying. Let's just commit ourselves to telling the truth, whatever the truth is.

     The truth is, based on the facts that I know at this moment, we need a strong public education system that provides an equal educational opportunity to EVERYONE in this country so the dark periods of our history don't repeat themselves. And let's not go back to where we are OK with separate, but equal.  Separate has never led to equality in this country. Separate has never led to security in this country. Separate has led to dark times in our country, times where political and economic power in the hands of a few led to many being left behind suffering many indignities that none of us should see again.

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