Sunday, November 6, 2016

Pros and Cons of Social Media
     Recall a September 11, 2015 Bangor Daily News article by Beth Brogan, "Brunswick Officials Ask if Closed Facebook Group Skirts Open Meeting Law".  See the article here:  At the beginning of the article, an exchange between three school board members detail a discussion of an upcoming budget vote. "I will not support the....", writes one school board member. "I'm seconding ----'s post", writes a second school board member. "I am as well", writes a third school board member. Then a former town councilor, and lawyer, who must also be a member, warns in writing, "Don't accidently vote before the meeting." While I was not, nor am I now, a member of this group, it is obvious that a lawyer among them seemed to warn that they were about to do something inappropriate, perhaps a violation of Maine's public access law, for which every school board member and town councilor must sign in writing testifying that they have engaged in the training regarding this law.
     At that time in 2015, there were 4 school board members (and 4 town councilors) who were members of this Facebook group, which was by invitation and permission to join only. One year later, there are 5 school board members who belong to this Brunswick Community United Facebook group. Following this election there is a possibility there will be more members, perhaps even more than the current five, who are members of both the school board and the Facebook group. The town attorney at that time 'strongly recommended against allowing a 5th member of either body to join the group." The Superintendent of the school department commented, ...."If it's one person talking to another, that may not present a problem.  If there's a quorum - of board members and/or town councilors - talking about a particular issue, I think that could be a problem." 
    Regardless of all the pros of social media, increasingly, when social media is used it is very easy to forget or disregard not only minor social norms and values, but also laws like Maine's public access law.  Perhaps the time is upon us for a continued reminder of the town attorney's strong recommendation against 'allowing a 5th member of either body to join the group'.  Unless school board members confirm their membership in Brunswick Community United, how would we know if a quorum of elected officials are members, given that this is a closed, invitation only group? Perhaps it is also time that the Brunswick Community United become more transparent and 'open its doors to all'. 

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